So, I had meant to post up something on this place last week after Carleen came to visit, but I've been so busy that I've yet to get around to it- until now.
So Carly came by the campus on Thursday and stayed the whole, entire day! It was my best day on campus so far, and I can't wait to see her again. I hadn't seen her since my party in July, so that was a special treat. We've agreed to meet up a lot more frequently now as time allows, so I'll just say I'm really excited.
This week I've been very busy. I learned on Monday that I had a history essay due this Thursday, and I hadn't even started it. Sufficed to say, I crammed to get everything finished and tonight I not only managed to finish a first draft of my essay, but I did a video conversation with Josh, and then talked to Carly before she went to bed. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, too.
Tomorrow, which is Wednesday, I'll be meeting with my assigned First-Year Adviser to talk about my "dream Four-Year Plan". Since this is a mandatory sort of thing I'm glad to finally get it over with. In addition to that, I'll get to ask her a question about my Jury Duty coming up in December. I have another meeting that day, too. I get to talk to Professor Shane Maddock about the subject of my Term Paper. It's a Contemporary America course, so I chose to do my paper on Radical Islam and its implications on the West. I have trouble deciphering the professor's script, but I'm slowly gathering that either my topic is unacceptable, or he views my proposed thesis as something more centered on Europe, rather than America. So, I'm going to try and work with him to work on modifying the argument to better fit the course. If that fails, I can always do something on Richard Nixon. Yet, what? What to do on Nixon that's specific enough to fit into 12-15 pages? I need to decide before long. Perhaps tomorrow. Think. Think. Think.
I had planned to visit the Career Services this week, but because I've been so busy with this and that, and I may not get out of class in time to make the walk-in hours, I'll make it my goal to go NEXT week. I have a lot of my plate this week.
I should mention that last night I was forced to attend a two hour plus special on the philosophies of life called "The Examined Life".It was part of my First-Year-Transitions requirement. In short, there were 8 modern philosophers who were each interviewed about their various thoughts on what they thought it meant to "live a meaningful life." So, we sat through 10 minute clips from people talking in platitudes that were so high in the clouds or so convoluted that even Qaddafi would be put to shame. Topics ranged from staging revolution, to redistributing wealth, to going green, to giving animals the same rights as people, and to feeling guilty about buying expensive items when that money could go to some poor child in an unnamed, undeveloped country.
When I got back to my dorm room I decided to research this Canadian "movie" and the philosophers in it, and to my surprise I found that just about every single person presented was either an affiliated Communist or a Socialist. Nowhere did this appear in the credits, and nowhere was there a warning or disclaimer. One woman went so far as to say President Bush was hauling people up to the gas chambers and eletrocuting people in the electric chair. Granted, ALMOST nobody liked her because she looked like she belonged in some dusty, dark, closet, but these sort of opinions were displayed nonetheless.
I want to complain, but to whom? I'll mention it to my academic adviser tomorrow. I don't want that sort of garbage to be shown again. Not only can we not understand most of it, but what we do understand is funneled through the eyes of socialists and communists without critiques from democratic/republican sort of voices.
Fight the power, mein brudder!
Ahaha Jury Duty! I laugh in your general direction. :-P
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