Monday, January 25, 2010

Glorious Return!

Don't they just look so happy? Christmas Eve is always one of my most favorite times of the year.

Ah,well. With the hustle and bustle of the first week gone, I now find the time to post here. Looking back, I've really neglected this corner of the internet quite a bit. My last post was made in October, when the Swine Flu Scare was winding up to a fevered pitch. Alas, no great destruction, no long lines of diseased persons, no excitement. It was, quite simply, the biggest let down of the year.

Over vacation I had some fun, and a little bit of discomfort. I had all four wisdom teeth pulled, and I'm very thankful to Jen for keeping me entertained, buying me food, and getting me addicted, for a second time, to Harry Potter. Life was good, really, and now it's back to work. Books are bought, notebooks are formatted, all rounding out to a loverly few hundred dollars expense! Stonehill is worth it, my education is worth it.

I think I'll follow Josh's example and post up one blog a week. Unfortunately, I don't have very many beautiful photos of the grand cityscape of Easton, with all its Mediterranean coastal beauty, but I do have this little diddy:

Notice, if you may, the Dunkin Donuts, the sleet, and the poofy hair. All are signs of how Collegesque I have become. I am happy to report, however, that my hair has now been trimmed. Still long, but less poofy. It will grow over the course of the semester, I'm sure.

As far as my classes go, I'm enjoying them all except for Philosophy. It all seems very mathematical, and that approach has never appealed to me. Sociology, too, smells of Textbookishness. Automatic boring label. Religion and Comparing States, so far, redeem this semester. So, as my first post for the new year, new Senator, and new semester, welcome back to my adventures!